Now Enrolling for Spring / Winter Classes! Descriptions below.
Now Enrolling for Spring / Winter Classes! Descriptions below.
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Here you can find info, photos, posters and memories of recent shows as well as those of long ago...
Fancy Footwork (c. 2010)
Washington Irving's classic tale of The Headless Horseman! A rollicking good ghost story!
The Return of The Chamber of Horrors 2021 marked the reworking of one of our most popular events. An evening of Edgar Allan Poe stories and poetry featuring The Raven, The Cask of Amontillado, Annabel Lee and The Black Cat. The evening also featured a sneak peek at a brand new play for kids, The Door to Nowhere by Bill Atwood.
A magical peach! An imprisoned boy! Insect friends! An incredible journey! This amazing adventure of James Henry Trotter will fulfill the fantasy of anyone who has ever dreamed of escape.
From the book by Roald Dahl as dramatized by Richard R. George.
Children's Theatre
A live fundraising art auction to benefit Spiral Inc. Art work on auction to fit every budget! Enjoy light refreshments and bid on your favorite works of art! All to benefit Spiral Inc! Only $20 per ticket. June 21, 2019
Spiral's Super Hallowe'en Party and Theatre Event. This Year we feature the hilarious play-within-the-play from A Midsummer Night's Dream And Very Special Guest: The Andy Baker Band!! Friday, October 25th.
Spiral Inc Presents:
To All A Goodnight IV
An Old Fashioned Christmas
A holiday confection that is guaranteed to get you in the Spirit!
Who doesn’t love an old fashioned Christmas? Maybe it’s the kind of holiday you remember or maybe it’s the kind you always wished you had.
Spiral, Inc. is proud to present our fourth holiday show, "To All A Goodnight IV", with readings, carols and kids. Professional actors and musicians along with local performers and kids from the neighborhood community will perform readings from literature of the season, music and carols.
Featuring readings from Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol,” Emily Dickinson, Dylan Thomas, Wm. Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Dr. Seuss and more. And Live Music.
Come and sing along as pianist Tommy Lepano leads a chorus of your favorite carols.
Featuring the talents of: Timothy Macht (Fancy Footwork, An Evening of Poe), Tommy Lepano, Spiral’s Speak Before You Think and Simple Shakespeare Workshop kids plus special surprise guests!
Adults $15, Kids under 18 $6, Family admission $30 max.
Tickets and reservations at and at the door
Spiral, Inc. a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit
Spiral Inc's first show under the name Spiral Inc! c. 2003
In the early 2000's then artistic director Janis Powell changed the name of the company from Second Story Ensemble to Spiral Inc and we produced 3 One Acts ("Twas Brillig," "Outlaws," and "Who Made Robert DeNiro King of America?") at the John Houseman on 42nd Street in NYC.
c. 2005
Spiral Inc produced the New York City premiere of Daniel MacIvor's "The Soldier Dreams."